In Which That Which Was Once on Semi, is Now on Rock n' Roll (mid-stream, the show's already started)
Check it out, ya'll. You may know my current situation, or you may not. It involves the U.S. Army and Iraq. Yeah, that's the one. As a result, not much about my life at this time is publishable. Yeah, I know, there are a ton of Iraq blogs out there...well this isn't one! Maybe I'm an OPSEC geek, but that's just the way it is. So DIG IT OR DIE!!! Or, you know...don't dig it, it's your choice either way really. It's not like we're bound by a sort of creator, audience relationship, right? Not one bound by commerce, at least. We (you the person reading and I, that is) are just two souls passing eachother on the information superhighway pileup/bustling, decadent megalopa-super-duper-opolis/explosion of externalized memory/intellect/desire/humanity. So if you are so inclined, stop by and cop a read. I can't promise much though. There is usually a twenty minute time limit at this internet cafe thing, half of that is usually spent reading and writing emails, and I'm not erudite, insightful, or brilliant. I'm just some random cat with a blog. I'm an easy-going, generally pleasant cat though, (I think so, at least) so don't be afraid to stop by and say "How do ya do?". That's all I can manage at this time, so it's all good. Be cool, y'all...
P.S. Fiona Apple's new album drops October 4th. Samurai Champloo kicks ass. Take notes.
none of this '20-minutes only excuse' or 'i'm fighting a war' crap, i want me some quality blogging out of you!
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