Monday, March 06, 2006

In other news, Three 6 Mafia won an Academy Award

No, I don't think you fucking heard me. Three 6 fuckin' Mafia won an Academy Award. "You mean them dudes all high off cough syrup that came out with 'Tear Da Club Up' back in the day," you may ask? "Them dudes who managed to have album covers that were even more garish than Cash Money and No Limit Records, making songs about tongue rings, having a chick 'slob on their knob', and shit like that?" Yes, them. It wouldn't be so strange if one of them (or hell, all of them) had won it for acting, since, out of all the music industry types who go off trying to be movie stars, every once in a while, one of them can, lo and behold, actually act. No, this was for best song. Of course, it wasn't for best hip-hop song of the year or anything like that. It was for best original song for a movie, which makes it a little less inconceivable I suppose. Until I find myself arranging a particular collection of words into the following sentence:

Three 6 Mafia won an Academy Award.

What strange times we live in.

P.S. Thanks to Jason, I had the immense pleasure of seeing the SNL Natalie Portman rap, which I'm sure is burning up the internet these days. Seeing Natalie Portman yell about getting head while she's swervin', wanting to drink and fight, fuck all night, kill your dog, and diss little kids was so outstanding my head nearly exploded. The old school lyrical references were also extremely cool. By the way, if you haven't seen it yet, was forced to remove the video due to "copyright infringement", but you can still find it at Long live internet fanboydom.

P.P.S. No, I still don't know how to do the link thing.


At 5:21 PM, Blogger toni said...

You know, it's hard out there for a Wayne. Oh man, that Natalie Portman skit was hilarious. When I saw it, I thought to myself, "Wow, what a perfect girl for Wayne."

At 4:28 PM, Blogger J-Syn said...

You might also want to check out the SNL "Lazy Sunday" video, which I think is funnier. You can get it off iTunes for a buck ninety-nine if you're so inclined, otherwise I'm sure it's floating around in the ether somewhere. It's a slice of our lives circa 2002 or so.


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