Tuesday, May 29, 2007

On turning 30

So Sabete sits down in front of the TV while I'm washing dishes. The TV is on the History Channel, which is showing a special on "Star Wars".

Sabete: "Do we have to watch this?"

Me: "No, you can change it."

Sabete: "I don't even like 'Star Wars' anyway."

Me: "I've never been a hardcore 'Star Wars' fan myself, but it's turning 30 this year. It's a worldwide celebration!"

Sabete: "So? 'Grease' is turning 30!

Me: "Yeah? Well 'Grease' doesn't have spaceships! Or the Death Star! Or The Force!"

Sabete: "Oh yeah? Well 'Grease has John Travolta!"

The Both of Us: [Travolta-esque] "Oh my God!"

Also, the History Channel was recently, for some strange reason, showing "Planet of the Apes". So naturally...

Me: "Why in the hell is the History Channel showing 'Planet of the Apes'?

Sabete: [without missing a beat] "Because it really happened, man!"

Me+Sabete+the History Channel=good times!


At 8:23 AM, Blogger sabete said...

p.s. we do more than just watch television. sometimes we pop in a dvd.

At 8:45 AM, Blogger toni said...

I can't believe I missed the Star Wars show. I mean to DVR it in case I forgot about it... but I forgot to DVR it :-(

At 12:45 PM, Blogger J-Syn said...



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